DEV010B Updates

We have updated the SCH to HW V1R02
We have added a BOM (.ods .xls .pdf) for HW V1R02
We have added a new Assembly PDF for contract manufacture

all included with the Gerbers Download

For further information see the
DEV010B RGB 1.69″ OLED STM32F030RC – Detailed Product Page

We have a new demo APP for the IOB002 (IOB002 uses the DEV010B display).

This app has a MODBUS slave driver, and uses 4 registers to display values on the display. Contact for information.

We are working on DEV010B FW01. Contact for information.

  • Modbus Slave – J4 U5 for UART and RS485 DEN controls
  • User can change Modbus address
  • User can change Modbus Baud Rate (9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200)
  • Modbus Register Set
    • String Identification Registers
    • Data Register Set – use Modbus Read Registers 0x03 to obtain all data in a single request – response cycle
    • Display Object Setup Register Set (display numeric values or strings)
    • Analog Input Object Setup Register Set (Analog inputs on J8 and J6)
    • Digital IO Object Setup Register Set (digital pins on J8 and J6)
    • IIC Sensor Object Register Set (IIC on J4)
    • System Control Register Set