We are releasing updates for demo firmware for the TI CC2650STK with BLE009A Demo Board.
Demo App – Requires EvoThings App installed on your tablet or phone.
Simply click on the link below from your tablet or phone browser.
EvoThings FurzyBLE _20180215 – Furzy BLE Device Scanning App
BLE Broadcast (not connectable), advertises Temperature, Humidity, Ambient Light, Keys, AA Cell Voltage every 2 seconds.
Sensor Sampling is synchronised to advertising.
GAP_ADTYPE_LOCAL_NAME_COMPLETE has complete identification including FWVer and Device ID number (positive identification of each device even on ios).
Excellent for Demos and Systems Development, realistic environmental sensing.
Typical Alkaline AA cell > 1.5 years operation (subject to ambient temperature, see cell manufacturers data sheet). Use LiFeS2 AA cell (Eg Energizer L91) for low ambient temperature operation.

Furzy BLE App Ver 20180215

Furzy BLE FW Ver1ZZ _20180309_1840 CurrentPulses
This CRO sample shows the synchronised Sensor Sampling before the BLE Advert Packet is transmitted (Sensor Sampling starts 1 sec before Advert TX).

BLE009A TI CC2650STK Sensor Tag Demo Dev Board
We offer this as a BLE009A board, and a pre-programmed CC2650STK – each with a different DeviceID (The downloads page demo firmware is only the one DeviceID).