BLE009A CC2650STK Sensor Tag IO Demo Dev Board

BLE009A Detailed Product Page


EvoThings AppVer00A _20170710 – Works with Demo Firmware FWVer00A Hex _20170629
EvoThings FurzyBLE _20180215 – Furzy BLE Device Scanning App
Latest Published Price List – See Hardware Availability and Prices


BLE009A FWVer1ZZ 20180309_1840

  • Excellent for Demos and Systems Development, realistic environmental sensing.
    BLE Broadcast (not connectable), advertises Temperature, Humidity, Ambient Light, Keys, AA Cell Voltage every 2 seconds.
  • Sensor Sampling is synchronised to advertising.
  • GAP_ADTYPE_LOCAL_NAME_COMPLETE has complete identification including FWVer and Device ID number (positive identification of each device even on ios).
  • Typical Alkaline AA cell > 1.5 years operation (subject to ambient temperature, see cell manufacturers data sheet). Use  LiFeS2 AA cell (Eg Energizer L91) for low ambient temperature operation.
Advertising Payload – GAP Type 0x01 – Flags
Advertising Payload – GAP Type 0x09 – Complete Local Name
[0]..[4] = “FURZY”
[5]..[7] = Firmware Version – Little Endian Byte Order = “ZZ1”
[8]..[11] = Device ID Number – Little Endian Byte Order – Base36 – eg “1010”
Advertising Payload – GAP Type 0xFF – Manufacturer Specific Data
[0] = Status Nibble (High Order Nibble) : Content ID nibble (Low Order Nibble)
[1]..[11] see Content ID to determine fields
Advertising Payload – GAP Type 0xFF – Manufacturer Specific Data
Content ID Nibble = 0x0
[0] = Status : 0
[1] = Battery Voltage from BLE009A Battery input on DP-1 / DIO-24 / ANIN
0x00 = 0Vin 0xff = 3V3in
1LSB = ~12.94mV
[2] = Keys
[3][4] = HDC1000 Tempertaure (Little Endian Byte Order) RAW Sensor Reading
[5][6] = HDC1000 Humidity (Little Endian Byte Order) RAW Sensor Reading
[7][8] = OPT3001 LuxMeter (Little Endian Byte Order) RAW Sensor Reading



BLE009A Enclosure Options


BLE009A Enclosure02 with LLTM14 and Ambient Light Lens

BLE009A Enclosure02 with LLTM14 and Ambient Light Lens

BLE009A Enclosure02 LLTM14 Lens CAD

BLE009A Enclosure02 LLTM14 Lens CAD