Furzy Electronics P/L


Michael Kabriel
+612 407 457 674

Electronic Controls and Instrumentation Development

Electronic Devices you can manufacture – designs available – license or contract

  • Mobile Industrial Plant
    – real time plant operator information
    – improve productivity and reduce downtime
  • Process Monitoring
    – Wireless and Wired
    – Industrial Applications
    – BMS (Building Management Systems)
    – HVAC Control
    – IoT and data sources for Big Data

OEMs and Integrators – enjoy the benefits of controlling your sourcing 

  • manage your sourcing, your costs, remove the distribution chain costs
  • manage long term product availability, you decide how to manage manufacturing quantities and scheduling
  • reduce competitive quoting, its your product, your part number, its not available from a distribution chain
  • retain control over system life cycle income – service and maintenance
  • fast track your system development using our IP

Contact us by email or phone now

Oh Dear, it’s Business as Usual …

Today, I was made aware of an announcement from Revolv (a NEST Company). See the following quotes from their site…  (http://revolv.com/)

“What happens to my Revolv service? – As of May 15, 2016, Revolv service will no longer be available. The Revolv app won’t open and the hub won’t work.”

“Is my product still under warranty? – No. Our one-year warranty against defects in materials or workmanship has expired for all Revolv products.”

and if you do a quick search, (there’s plenty on the internet at the moment) the topic has moved along to “help on a case by case basis”, after an interesting barrage and ongoing public dirty laundry airing. Including the usual top management claims that the engineers they obtained by acquisition did not perform to expectations. (yeah sure, smells like …)

Now, some of you will be asking why am I writing this….

Well, I want you to be educated and ask the right questions.

The first question I would be asking when considering purchasing a smart device is, does it come with stand alone / inter-operable / public domain protocol options built in?