New BLE App – FurzyBLE Ver 20180130 – BLE Device Scanner

This App currently lists the BLE devices in range, and provides some basic information on “known” devices.

  • TI SensorTag Stock Firmware
  • TI LaunchPad Stock Frimware
  • FWVer00A (BLE009A demo firmware) – reports as a SensorTag
  • FWVer008 (BLE005 demo firmware) – includes the switch contact state and count
  • FWVer007 (SensorTag Demo Firmware – client specific)
  • FWVer001 (SensorTag with “Furzy” Advertising – includes ID and Keys)

Contact me for further information.

Requires EvoThings App installed on your tablet or phone.
Simply click on the link below from your tablet or phone browser.

EvoThings FurzyBLE _20180130 – Furzy BLE Device Scanning App
FurzyBLE App Ver20180130 Demo

FurzyBLE App Ver20180130 Demo – Click for higher resolution

This app is under development to support our devices coming, see Products Page for further information on the upcoming development road map.